
“I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.”

‭‭John‬ ‭15:5‬ ‭

Facebook memories are great, aren’t they? 

If you’ve had a Facebook account for sometime, you probably know about Facebook memories. A whole section is devoted to the stuff you posted last year on this date. 

So, the other day, Facebook reminded me of this post from a few years ago.

“My mind was preoccupied this morning thinking about the Christmas parties we are doing in the neighborhoods and about the Easter egg hunts coming up in March, when I heard this verse in my Spirit. “Abide in Me… Apart from Me you can do nothing.” It’s important to spend time at the Master’s feet… Abiding… Resting in Him. I felt a great peace come over me.”

For me, this was a timely reminder. We have crossed over into December and suddenly we are getting busier and busier. 

We get so busy that we forget to start off our days with God. When this happens, I feel like I don’t have the energy and strength for the challenges ahead. I’ve become disconnected from the power source. 

So, what does it mean to abide? Brad Baurain explains:

“Abide” is not a word we use much today, so translations often replace it with other words such as “remain,” “continue,” or even “reside.” Abide means to make a firm decision to “stay in place.” The key idea is that we “stick close” to Christ, understanding that our life and fruitfulness depend upon Him.”

So, let’s take a few moments with the Master, drawing on His strength. Carry on a conversation with God throughout the day. Keep abiding in Him!–