At Least You Are Breathing!

“In His hand is the life of every living thing and the breath of all mankind.”

‭‭Job‬ ‭12:10‬ ‭

I hate needles. When lab work day comes, I get anxious when I think about getting stuck.

I had to get blood work done recently, and as the nurse inserted the needle, she noticed something. “At least you are breathing.” She said. “A lot of people hold their breath!” (I find that by relaxing and taking deep breaths, it lessens my needle anxiety!)

At least you are breathing… Sometimes we take life for granted. We should be thankful for life, for every breath we breathe.

We have to wear masks pretty much wherever we go. So, when we get home, and can finally take the mask off, we are elated. I find myself taking a deep breath. 

The uncomfortableness of wearing a mask can make us empathetic for those who consistently struggle to breathe.

I’ve ministered to several COPD patients over the years. I’ve asked if being short of breath causes them to pray more. Almost all say yes. They ask God to help them breathe. They also express a thankfulness for being able to breathe.

So, go outside if you can. Sit for a moment. Breathe deeply. Hold it. Exhale. Repeat. 

Doesn’t that feel great?

Life may be difficult, but don’t forget to breathe. Remember to be thankful for every breath, and every moment that God gives you.