October Community Church Ministry Newsletter
He answered and said to them, “He who has two tunics, let him give to him who has none; and he who has food, let him do likewise.” Luke 3:11 NKJV
“Tunic” is translated as “coat” in the King James and some other versions. It likely means an outer garment, something very much needed in cold weather.
It’s October. It’s fall. And it’s still been 90 degrees in recent days, but we know colder weather is coming. Many children have to stand outside to wait for the bus. The thoughts of a child out in the cold shivering … well,
it just shouldn’t be.

In December, Community Church Ministry is hosting Christmas events in 11 neighborhoods. We give each child a gift bag with candy, crayons and a coloring book. This year, we would like to be able to provide coats. If we can’t do coats, we would at least like to provide hoodies.
What I’m mainly asking for is your input. Do you know where we can purchase coats or hoodies wholesale, inexpensively? Are there other organizations doing the same thing? For us this would be a major undertaking. We might only be able to do only a few neighborhoods this year, but we serve an all-powerful God, who can supply ALL our needs.
Thanks in advance for your help. Remember to pray with us daily, and consider helping us with your time and resources.
October schedule – all times at 6 p.m.
- Thursday, October 11, Dutch Gardens MHP
- Monday, October 22, Willow Way Apartments
- Thursday, October 25, Pine Village MHP
In November we will be hosting Thanksgiving dinners in five different neighborhoods. Schedules and information for these will be available soon.
May God bless you abundantly!
Pastor George Nix