Community Church Ministry – February Newsletter
The weather continues to be cold, and it seems like it has no end sight – but spring is right around the corner and before we know it, the warmer weather and Easter will be here.
Since Easter falls on April 1, Community Church Ministry will be doing 10 Easter egg hunts – all in the month of March. Lord willing, the plan is to begin on Saturday, March 17, with three Easter egg hunts and do the same on March 24 and March 31. We plan to hold one additional hunt on Thursday, March 29.
At this time, we have three churches that have committed to help with these Easter outreach events. We have nine events which are available for churches, groups, and volunteers to participate in. We also need donations of candy and door prizes.
March really is just right around the corner, and we need your prayers, support, donations and willingness to help to make these events as effective as they can be to share the good news of Jesus’ love for us. Please prayerfully consider how the Lord would lead you to help. 
Also when you are praying for the success of these events, please pray for no rain and for many to hear the Word. “Little is much when God is in it.”