It is always wonderful to start our message to everyone with reports of success – so let’s start this newsletter with that kind of report.
Done! Nine Easter egg hunts! Each one was a success. God gave us great weather, and each one was very well attended. Most importantly, several of those in attendance prayed to know Jesus as their personal Savior. (A big thank you to those of you who prayed, helped, and attended!)
The next step is a series of follow up events for these areas. On Thursdayevenings we rotate among three locations. The first Thursday is Darlington MHP. The second and fourth Thursdays is Dutch Gardens MHP and the third Thursday is Pine Village MHP. We hope to do pizza parties as our follow-up for these communities. We will gauge the feedback we get for further activities and opportunities for ministry to the people there.
In other news, it seems like a long time from now, but we are already planning for our back-to-school clothing and school supplies giveaway in July. More news to follow on this as we get closer to that time.
We would never be able to be the hands and feet of Jesus without you. Most importantly, we need your prayers – that God would continue to open doors, provide resources and people to help and to change the lives of those we seek to touch through this ministry. Please prayerfully consider how you can be a part of this important work with your time and resources.
As always, we pray that God will bless you richly.
Yours in Christ,
Pastor George Nix