by George | Oct 29, 2020 | Community News, Devotional, Newsletter
The Lord is There
“All the way around shall be eighteen thousand cubits; and the name of the city from that day shall be: THE LORD IS THERE.” Ezekiel 48:35
Just north of Rome, GA is a little town called Subligna. Years ago I heard a story about how Subligna got it’s name. (I don’t know if it’s a true story!)
One of the city’s founders last name was Underwood. He met with leaders of the city to decide on a name for the city. He proposed that the city be named after him. Underwood. The leaders balked at the idea. Mr. Underwood was undeterred. “How about a Latin name? Subligna!”
The leaders thought that was a good name. Definitely unique!
Sub means under. Ligna means wood.
So Mr. Underwood got his wish to have the city named after him!
The name of the city mentioned in Ezekiel’s prophecy today is “The LORD is there.” Ezekiel is phophesying about the end times, giving the Hebrews hope, in the midst of their captivity in Babylon, of their return, and restoration. says of the city:
“… but here it is called Jehovah Shammah”, the Lord is there, or dwells there; which is to be understood of his presence in it; not in a general way, as he is in all places, and with all his creatures, continually, constantly, and everywhere working in a providential manner…”
Not only is this a prophecy, but it is a reminder of God’s presence. HE IS EVERYWHERE! He is providentially working out the details of your life. (Romans 8:28)
He promises His followers:
“… lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.”
Matthew 28:20
May you be comforted today in the assurance of God’s presence. “The LORD is there.”
by George | Oct 26, 2020 | Community News, Devotional, Newsletter
“Live in harmony with one another. Do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly. Never be wise in your own sight.
Romans 12: 16 says:
“Harmony is the composite product when individual musical voices group together to form a cohesive whole. Think of an orchestra: the flute player may be playing one note, the violinist plays a different note, and the trombonist plays yet a different note. But when their individual parts are heard together, harmony is created.”
When different parts are played TOGETHER.
Each one of us is different. We all have a part in life.
Paul instructs us to “live in harmony with one another.” How do we do this?
First, don’t be “haughty” or high minded. gives us some synonyms for haughty.
“proud, vain, arrogant, conceited, snobbish, stuck-up, pompous, self-important, superior, egotistical… full of one’s self.”
Second, Paul tells us to associate with the lowly. The ones other people ignore. Try also to help someone who is sad or downcast. If you can’t be there, let them know you are thinking about them and praying. When you can, help with their physical needs.
Last, Paul tells us to never be wise in your own sight, or opinion. We need to realize how little we know, acknowledge that God is all-knowing and humbly ask God for wisdom. James 1:5 says: “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.”
So, to live in harmony, we need to accept each other and love one another, as God loves us.
“For God SO loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”
John 3:16
Let’s join in the chorus of life and make sweet harmonious music. Together.
by George | Oct 22, 2020 | Community News, Devotional, Newsletter
Improved Praying
“And the tax collector, standing afar off, would not so much as raise his eyes to heaven, but beat his breast, saying, ‘God, be merciful to me a sinner!'”
Luke 18:13
I want to learn how to pray better… What about you?
If you want to learn about something. You go to the expert.
Wouldn’t you agree that Jesus is the expert on prayer?
In the parable recorded in Luke 18, Jesus is contrasting two individuals prayers.
First up is the Pharisee, the religious guy. He’s received religious training. He should KNOW how to pray. But, Jesus said the Pharisee was basically talking to himself.
“The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, ‘God, I thank You that I am not like other men—extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this tax collector.”
Luke 18:11
We find his prayer ludicrous, thinking we would never pray like that.
But, am I thinking something like that in my mind? Are my prayers only centered on me?
We’ve talked about 2 Chronicles 7:14 before. “If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”
In the verse today, the tax collector is humbling himself, praying, repenting of his sins, and seeking God’s face.
He’s doing prayer the right way: FROM THE HEART!
His prayer is:
May I truly learn to pray like that!