November Newsletter
November is the month where people’s lives get busy – very, very busy. There is the Thanksgiving meal, trying to get a jump on Christmas shopping, and decorating the house. For some, it’s also time to make sure those Christmas cards are ready to go out.
But November is also the month of thankfulness. It is a time where we are reminded to stop all of the busyness – for a day at least – and be thankful. I know that I have a lot to be thankful for. I am thankful for you, your prayers, and continued support of our ministry.
Though the year is winding down, it is not winding down for our ministry. We are planning Thanksgiving meals at Dutch Gardens MHP on Sunday, November 22 at 1 p.m. and Willow Way Apartments on Monday, November 23 at 6:30 p.m.Please come and join us for a time of fellowship. Let us share a meal with you and your loved ones. Or help us serve one another.
Looking ahead to December, we are planning a Christmas play and party at 1 p.m. Sunday, December 13 at Dutch Gardens. We need donations of small toys, stocking stuffers and candy for this event.
Exciting plans for 2016 are being prayerfully formulated. As the ministry grows, we plan to go to many new locations to share the love of Christ and minister to new groups of people. If your church or youth group would like to help us with block parties, Easter egg hunts or Vacation Bible School, please let us know.
Also, don’t forget our regular events that we have on a weekly basis. Each Monday night, we have a dinner and Bible study at Willow Way Apartments in Rome. This weekly gathering of people has developed into a strong and cohesive group. We welcome anyone to come enjoy food and fellowship with us. On Sundays we have a worship service and lunch at Dutch Gardens MHP. It is also a small group, but a good one.
Please pray with us and for us – for the leaders, workers, resources, open doors and chances for many people to be reached with the good news and love of Jesus. We also need bilingual volunteers, as there is a high population of Latinos in these communities.
A dream of ours is to acquire a bus – old or new – which would be used as a mobile outreach center. Special events and regular meetings could be held there. It adds “legs” to our ministry. Help us pray about having this resource to help others.
And why not consider joining our team? You can still attend your favorite local church and be a local ambassador and missionary for Christ with us at the same time! Help us be the hands and feet of Jesus!