by George | Jul 15, 2016 | Newsletter
Back To School News!
Wow, God is so good! (Thanks for praying with us.) Awesome turnout at Darlington MHP! God held the rain back. Very thankful for Connie Mathis,April B Drew, and all the helpers! Besides our ministry, we had workers from South Broad Baptist, Fellowship Baptist, and The Church at Northside!
Next Thursday: Pine Village MHP. Please pray!

by George | Jul 8, 2016 | Newsletter
God is so awesome!!! Over 70 came tonight to Dutch Gardens MHP. Thanks to everyone who prayed, and all who came to help!

by George | Jul 7, 2016 | Newsletter
July Community Church Ministry Newsletter
Whew – it sure is hot! But the heat doesn’t slow Community Church Ministry down one bit. We know that school is right around the corner, which makes it the perfect time for an outreach to three neighborhoods.
On Thursday, July 7, we are holding a community supper and school supply giveaway at Dutch Gardens MHP. My friend Jose Lopez and his wife will be cooking chicken and Spanish rice. I am hopeful that my friend Guillermo Rodriguez will be ministering in both song and word. And Roy and Connie Mathis will be providing clothes to give away.
As I write this newsletter, we are waiting to hear from the Darlington and Pine Village MHPs for their permission to do similar events.
We ask that you pray for success for these events – that many will come to hear the Word and that their lives will change as a result of hearing it and seeing it in action. Continue to pray for open doors in other communities as well.
We need your physical support in addition to your faithful spiritual support. If you or your church group can help with these events or future events, please contact me.
As always, may the Lord richly bless you in each part of your daily lives!