by George | Oct 12, 2016 | Community News, Newsletter
Cooler weather and the return of football. It can only mean one thing – fall is here!
And for Community Church Ministry, that means Fall Festival season, which is one of the most exciting seasons for us because of the opportunities we have to reach so many people with love of Jesus.

At the time of this writing, we have just completed our first Fall Festival, which was held at Dutch Gardens Mobile Home Park. Even with our bigger competition of the Coosa Valley Fair not far away, we had a wonderful turnout.
The Lord willing, we will be at two more locations – Callier Forest Apartments on October 15 and Banty Jones Park on October 29.
Remember, for our Thursday night gatherings, we are alternating among Dutch Gardens MHP, Darlington MHP and Pine Village MHP.
Please continue in your prayers for us during this exciting time – that we will have clear weather, abundant resources and volunteers and lots of folks who come experience God’s love.
Be sure to let us know if you can help!
Love in Christ,
Pastor George
by George | Sep 6, 2016 | Newsletter
It’s not quite fall yet, but the signs are all around us that it is close at hand. School is in full swing, football is back, and we look forward to cooler weather.
September News ~
With autumn approaching, Community Church Ministry is in the process of planning fall festivals. We are still awaiting word as to whether we can hold them at the four public housing properties we would like. We are developing alternate plans – just in case.
In the meantime, we have started holding Thursday night dinners in three locations. The first Thursday of the month we meet at Darlington Mobile Home Park. The second and fourth Thursdays we have dinner at Dutch Gardens Mobile Home Park, and the third Thursday we are meeting at Pine Village Mobile Home Park. (Starting in October.) We are blessed with a couple of volunteers who speak Spanish, so this has made a big difference in our ability to communicate with members of these communities. We really love hanging out and getting to know the residents.
This coming Saturday, September 10, we are hosting a cookout at Willow Way Apartments from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Please consider attending this event with us.
We at Community Church Ministry would like to offer a big thank you to all who have attended our events, volunteered and prayed with us. Please consider continuing to donate some of your time or resources as we move forward. Also, please continue to pray for open doors for us to share God’s love in the communities.
May our heavenly Father bless each and every one of you richly and abundantly.
by George | Aug 7, 2016 | Community News, Newsletter
August Community Church Ministry Newsletter
The schools are open. The buses are rolling. Schedules are picking up. And Community Church Ministry is ready to go full throttle to keep up the pace over the next several months.
We are about to attempt something we have never tried before (Lord willing) – five – yes FIVE – fall festivals in October! Lord help us!
These will be in the following apartment communities: Willingham, Main, Graham, Park Homes and Dutch Gardens mobile home community.
We will grill hot dogs and have cotton candy, popcorn and slushies. There also will be games for the children to play, and small prizes and candy will be given out. In addition, we will have a drawing for a $50 Wal-Mart gift card and other prizes for the adults.
Looking ahead on the calendar, we will be planning various outreach events during the Christmas and Easter seasons in four different apartment and four different mobile home communities. Stay tuned …. more details are sure to follow in the coming weeks.
One thing is for sure – we need prayers, workers and resources. Please contact us if you are able to help or donate different items for these events. We can’t succeed alone.
These events are great opportunities for your youth or small groups to do local missions, AND grow your church!
We need what the Lord lays on your heart to give and do and we covet your prayers for each and every outreach event.