by George | Jan 13, 2017 | Community News, Newsletter
Happy New Year!!!
We begin 2017 with our hearts full of gratitude. 2016 was awesome for Community Church Ministry. God allowed us to go to more neighborhoods and minister to more people than we have before.
As the calendar has changed to 2017, we are prayerfully planning to go even farther in our ministry.
While the weather is cold, we will continue meeting indoors where it is warm. On Mondays at 6:30 p.m., come join us as we meet at Willow Way Apartments, 622 Warren Road, Rome, for delicious food and fellowship. On the second and fourth Thursdays of the month, we invite you to join us at Dutch Gardens Mobile Home Park, 17 Bollen Court, Rome, for our community supper.
Spring will be on the horizon before we know it, and we will head back outside to other neighborhoods. April means Easter time, and that means Easter egg hunts. We are praying that we will be able to do eight of these. So we will need lots of prayer, help and candy!
Please keep our ministry in your prayers daily, and ask the Lord how you can be used in our ministry to share the good news of Jesus with our friends and neighbors in Rome. As always, we are thankful for each of you and pray that this year brings you and your loved ones abundant blessings.
Love in Christ,
Pastor George
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by George | Dec 7, 2016 | Community News, Newsletter
Community Church Ministry December Newsletter
Merry Christmas!
While the holiday season can be stressful and hectic, we hope you that will take time for some enjoyment and rest and that you will remember who and what Christmas is all about.
Community Church Ministry is sponsoring four Christmas parties. They will be at Dutch Gardens MHP, Darlington MHP, Pine Village MHP, and Callier Forest Apartments. Please help us pray that many will come to experience God’s love.
December also is a time to reflect on the year’s blessings. God allowed us to minister through five Easter egg hunts, two of which – Main and Willingham Apartments – we did for the first time. In July we held Back to School events at three separate locations. October came and we did three Fall Festivals. Two of them – Callier Forest and Banty Jones Park, were our first events at those locations and both were HUGE! And in November, we held three Thanksgiving dinners, including one at Callier Forest Apartments, which was very well received.
We are extremely grateful to each person who helped us this year. God has raised up several new volunteers to help make our successes possible. A few other churches also blessed us by helping us with our events.
Our next newsletter will outline what we believe are God’s plans for an exciting 2017. Please continue to pray with us, volunteer or give as God directs you. May the Lord bless each of you richly. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Love in Christ,
Pastor George Nix
by George | Nov 19, 2016 | Community News, Newsletter
Leaves are turning colors and falling from the trees. Our weather is finally bringing us cooler temperatures. These are the sure signs of the change of seasons.

At Community Church Ministry, we have, in a sense, entered a new season, too. During spring and summer we held outdoor events such as Easter egg hunts, back to school events and warm-weather fall festivals. Now our focus turns mostly to indoor events.
In November, we will be holding Thanksgiving dinners in several Rome locations – Dutch Gardens Mobile Home Park, Willow Way Apartments and the Callier Forest Apartments.
In December, we hope to do put on Christmas parties in four locations. Details will be forthcoming.
We are in need of donations. Please consider helping to supply one or more of the following:
- Ham and side dishes for the dinners.
- Candy, small unisex toys and small stuffed animals for children’s gift bags.
- Cookies and small cakes for the Christmas parties.
As always, we need your prayers for success in our outreach endeavors. And also as always, we really could use a helping hand from you at our events! Please prayerfully consider how the Lord could use you to be His hands and feet with our ministry.
I pray blessings for each and every one of you.