by George | Jul 4, 2018 | Community News, Newsletter
July Community Church Newsletter
Ready, set, go!
At the time of this writing, it is the evening before our first back to school event.
Thursday July 5th, we will be at Darlington MHP. Please pray for this event, as well as the rest of our events in this busy month.
We will be doing a cookout, and giving away basic school supplies at each one.
What do we need? Actually, we have enough school supplies, thanks to generous financial support.
What we need is you! If you could volunteer for at least one event, it would be a big help. Please contact me if you are interested.
Most importantly, please pray every day for the success of these events. No rain, and lots of receptive hearts…
Here’s the schedule: All times 6:30.
9- Ashland Park Apartments
16- Willingham Village
23- Callier Forrest Apartments
30- Tamasse Apartments
5- Darlington MHP
12- Dutch Gardens MHP
19- Pine Village MHP
26- Shade Tree MHP
May God bless you!!!
Pastor George Nix
by George | Jun 7, 2018 | Community News, Newsletter
June Community Church Ministry Newsletter
“… For nothing restrains the Lord from saving by many or by few.”
I Samuel 14:6
The Philistines were a mighty, massive army, ready to annihilate the army of Israel. Hebrew soldiers were scared to death. Jonathan made a bold move. He told his armor-bearer the plan. They were going to advance against the Philistine army. Two men against many? God blessed them with a victory as they stepped out on faith…
Sometimes I have to shake my head and smile. Community Church Ministry may be the smallest ministry in Rome GA, but God is working through a small group of volunteers.
I urge you to consider coming to one of our community events. Try it out. No obligation. I think you will enjoy hanging out with our folks. You can make a big impact, even if you help only once a month. Call, text or email me for more information.
June schedule: 6:30 PM each night.
Monday June 4: Graham Homes
June 25: Willow Way Apts.
Thursday June 7: Darlington MHP
June 14: Dutch Gardens MHP
June 21: Pine Village MHP
June 28: Dutch Gardens MHP.
July will be a busy month, as we will be doing several back to school events in which we will be giving away basic school supplies.
Please pray with us daily!
Community Church Ministry's May highlights!Come join us!!!
Posted by George Nix on Friday, June 1, 2018
by George | May 7, 2018 | Community News, Newsletter
May Community Church Ministry Newsletter
Mondays at 6:30 PM:
May 14– Tamassee Apts.
May 21– Willow Way Apartments
Thursdays at 6:30 PM:
May 10– Dutch Gardens MHP
May 17– Pine Village MHP
May 24– Dutch Gardens MHP
May 31– Shade Tree MHP
Hotter weather and the end of the school year… Can you believe it?
Life is definitely moving fast, and keeping us all busy.
During May, Community Church Ministry is going to several neighborhoods to share God’s love.
The schedule is attached above.
Notice that we meet on Mondays and Thursdays. We don’t interfere with your church attendance!
Please pray about volunteering with us. We don’t expect you to be at every event.
Our small group of volunteers are amazing, and fun to work with!
Hope to hear from you soon, and may God richly bless you!
Pastor George Nix